Elevate is a non-profit aimed at reaching mountain youths through creating quick-turn ski and snowboard videos. The elevate project involved creating an iconic brand, the extension and diversification of that brand, and conceptualizing ways to do on-site, quick-turn video projects and pop-up video premiers.
Client: elevate.
Role: Design, Art Direction, Creative Consulting.
Media: Print, digital, apparel
"I want a logo that a kid can scratch into a desk from memory."
Collateral Design
Within the elevate brand, the logomark can be applied simply, or with more complexity. This allows the brand to organically shift and mirror current trends.
Spreads from a pitch document given to potential investors.
Spreads from a pitch document given to potential investors.
Prototype Elevate app. A place for boarders to explore new videos, post their own, and read features.
Apparel Design
The elevate logomark is designed to be iconic, memorable, and simple. Something that can take on different forms within the brand, but something simple enough a kid could scratch it into a desk.
An iconic mark can also be flexible and can adapt to many different colors, styles, and shapes.
Concept for a way in which the logomark can be pushed to a complex end, as an all-over graphic print.
Creative Commons images courtesy of v-a-k and campofchampions.